The problem of schoolchildren vaping comes to the fore as angry dad blasts Stratford Morissons for putting vapes next to toys


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Dec 06, 2023

The problem of schoolchildren vaping comes to the fore as angry dad blasts Stratford Morissons for putting vapes next to toys

AN angry dad has accused a Stratford supermarket of putting profits ahead of the

AN angry dad has accused a Stratford supermarket of putting profits ahead of the health of children by displaying brightly coloured vapes next to its range of toys.

Morrisons was described as ‘morally bankrupt’ for its open display of e-cigarettes as schools struggle against a vaping epidemic.

Dad Simon Clarke regularly visits the store in Alcester Road as he has three children at nearby schools: an eight-year-old at Holy Trinity and two, aged 13 and 11, at Stratford-upon-Avon School.

When he visited the store last Friday he was shocked to see a brightly coloured display of vaping equipment tempting non-vapers to ‘Start your vape journey here’ next to the toy aisle and sweets.

Mr Clarke told the Herald: "I was shocked and disgusted to see how it targeted children. Who thinks this is acceptable to put this next to the toys and opposite sweets? How is that morally right in any way?

"They are putting profits ahead of the health of children."
